Rules & Policies

  • For everyone’s safety, you MUST observe the 5 1/2 MPH speed limit around the playground and campsites.
  • NY State bicycle safety laws must be followed. These laws include helmet use, maintaining safe speeds, and no riding after dusk. Skateboards and rollerblades are not allowed.
  • Quiet hours are to be strictly observed between 11:00PM and 8:00AM. No music or loud noises will be permitted during quiet hours.
  • Messages will be posted or delivered as time permits.
  • Parents are responsible for the safety and actions of their children. All children need to be on site by 10:00PM and always under adult supervision.
  • Stay on the roads, trails, and walkways and do not cut through other camper’s sites.
  • All pets must be on leashed, under control, cleaned up after, and attended to. Any pet causing a disturbance will not be allowed to stay. Pets are not allowed in the ponds or buildings.
  • Fires are allowed only within the fire ring provided. Campfires must be kept under control and put out when through. Do not move rims.
  • Cutting, nailing, or damaging any of the trees or plant life is prohibited.
  • The use of non registered motor vehicles, firearms, chainsaws, and fireworks are not allowed anywhere on camp property. We cannot accommodate ATVs, electric scooters or golf carts for our overnight guests.
  • Vehicle use is allowed only to and from the site, one vehicle per site. Additional vehicles may be parked in the visitor’s parking lot.
  • Soliciting or sale of any products or services is prohibited.
  • Please burn paper goods in your fire, and please bring bagged household trash to the dumpster.
  • ALL visitors MUST be registered upon their arrival. A visitor fee will be charged and you will be solely responsible for your visitor’s actions while at camp. Visitors will not be allowed to bring pets and must leave the campground property by 10:00PM.
  • Pool use is regulated by NY State. Rules are posted at the pool and are strictly enforced. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the pool area without parental supervision.
  • Pre-school children should be with a parent or adult at the playground.
  • Children should be instructed on playground safety.
  • No rock or sand throwing is permitted.
  • Glass bottles and alcoholic containers are not allowed at the pool or playground.
  • Ponds are for fishing only, catch & release.